The Royal Connection

MFHCI is so glad that you have selected the donate page to help us expand the Kingdom of God in the earth realm. Below is brief descriptions of what area your seed will be going towards, when you make your selection. We know as kings and priests, the gospel will continue to go forth with boldness, because we know that God will touch many souls with the gift that you will give today!

*Royal Connection is design to support the need for My Father’s House Church International. Your gift helps with minor up-keep: air conditioning, electrical, lighting, security, landscaping, painting, signage and much more.

*Royal Connection is a minimum monthly commitment of $50. This great for someone that is seeking to help out in the area of helps ministry but do not have time to serve in a physical department. This might ease you because this is also an area of help. We encourage you to start today and make a difference for tomorrow!

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